Art / Design / Research
Artist, maker, diy-coder or designer, Amélie draws a line between the analogical and the digital by using both traditional techniques (drawing, ceramics) and contemporary ones (electronics, computer-assisted manufacturing). She has a particular interest in developing projects around games, interactive systems and human-machine interaction in general, which allow her to question the way in which human behaviour is altered when it comes into contact with technology.
Currently on :
► Nov. 2024: Residency at Château Ephémère – Sound and Digital Factory, Carrières sous Poissy (FR)
► Sept 2021 – today : co-founder of the “Collectif Kaïros” with Eva Vedel
► Sept 2020 – today : Member of the research programme Objects, Craft and Computation within the research unit ECOLAB, ESAD Orléans, France
► Time Out: Mutations and Iterations, Dec. 2024, ESAD Orléans' Gallery (FR)
► Festival "Lumières sur le Quai" (Lights on the Quay), Creating with AI, Quai des Savoirs, Oct. 2024, Toulouse (FR)
► DNA, Festival Art Numérique, ( digital art festival ) may 2024, Grenoble (FR)
► Eurofabrique, feb. 2024, Gaîté Lyrique, Paris (FR)
► DIS[PLAYERS], feb. 2024, Les Tanneries - Contemporary art centre of national interest, Amilly (FR)
► Festival Matricule, Bis nov. 2023, Orléans (FR)
► Les formes du design, sept. 2023, Roselab, Toulouse (FR)
► Useful Fictions, Lab 3 "Objets à comportements, objets curieux", july 2023, Théâtre de la Ville - Espace Cardin, Paris (FR)
► Jean Bardin aujourd'hui. ESAD Orléans : l’héritage. Computation, Céramique, Dessin, april 2023, Orléans Museum of Fine Arts (FR)
► U.S.B #4 Données brutes, feb. 2023, - ÉSAD's Gallery, Orléans (FR)
► Digital Soba Choko, dec. 2022, La Borne contemporary ceramics centre, La Borne (FR)
► Sztuka numeryczna - między wolnością a kontrolą ( Digital art - between freedom and control ), oct. 2022, WL4 - Przestrzeń Sztuki, Stocznia Cesarska, Gdańsk (Poland)
► U.S.B. #2 · + 4, oct. 2022, ÉSAD Orléans (FR)
► Festival Hop Pop Hop, sept. 2022, Orléans (FR)
► Titre ? - à trouver, may 2022, Art centre the Transpalette, Bourges (FR)
► Premier Printemps, april 2022, Le Pays Où le Ciel est Toujours Bleu contemporary art gallery, Orléans (FR)
► Eurofabrique, feb. 2022 Grand Palais Éphémère, Paris (FR)
► Search bar # 2 – une exposition de l’ECOLAB, dec. 2021, Orléans Theatre (FR)
► Search_Bar #1 : Exposition des diplomé·e·s 2021, sept 2021, ÉSAD's Gallery (FR)
► Uncool memories # 5 – tiens ! un design passe, june 2021, Gallery of the National School of Architecture Paris-Val de Seine, Paris (FR)
► Uncool memories # 2, nov. 2020, ÉSAD's Gallery, Orléans (FR)
►Research stay, may 2024, CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission), Y.spot, Grenoble, France
► Art and science residency as Collectif Kaïros, feb - april 1024, ARD MATEX, CEMHTI and GREMI labs, National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) / ESAD Orléans
► Research stay as Collectif Kaïros, Feb. 2024, Vaour
Talks and events
► Conference as Collectif Kaïros, presentation of the collective's work, Feb. 2024, Café Atmosphère, Vaour
► Presentation as part of the Collectif Kaïros at the PhD seminar "La recherche créative ou la créativité dans la recherche" ( "Creative research or creativity in research" ) organised by the LASLAR research unit, May 2023, Maison de la recherche en sciences humaines, Caen, France
► Attendance at the International Symposium on Electronic Art with the French delegation from the Office Franco-Québécois pour la jeunesse, May 2023, Paris
► Conference as Collectif Kaïros, "Design du Kaïros" feb. 2023, ESAD Orléans
► Conference "DATA_Sculptures : matérialiser et incarner des données", as a member of the research programme Objects, Craft and Computation, dec. 2022, for Open Data France, Leonard:Paris
Awards and distinctions
► Support for investment in the visual arts sector, Nov. 2024, Région Centre-Val de Loire
► Creation grant for the project Mutations, Feb. 2024, Les Tanneries - Centre d'art contemporain d'intérêt national, Amilly
► Arte Prize, for the Europa 2022 project, Feb. 2022
► "Funerary design" interview as Collectif Kaïros, March 2024, Cfm radio ( link to podcast )
►Article "A commemorative stele for Didier", March 2024, La Dépêche, article by Boris Repac
► N° 145 of Culture & Recherche, "Création artistique et urgence écologique" (autumn-winter 2023), presentation of the Data_Vessel project by the OCC research programme
► Cahier complémentaire, Eurofabrique, fev 2022, Les Inrockuptible
► DSRD ( Advanced Research Degree in Art and Design ), sept 2022 - today, ECOLAB, Orléans School of Art and Design (ESAD), France.
► Post-Master "Internet of Things", sept 2021- june 2022, Polytech Orléans, France.
► MA design commons, sept 2019 - june 2021, ESAD Orléans, under the supervision of Emmanuel Cyriaque and Caroline Zahnd. Congratulations from the jury.
► MA design commons, sept 2019 - june 2021, as Collectif Kaïros with Eva Vedel and Manon Souchet
Congratulations from the jury.
► BA Product and Spatial Design, sept 2016 - june 2019, ESAD Orléans, under the supervision of Claire Le Sage.